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The 2G Shutoff and What it Means to You

Posted by Jonathan Banks on

2G cellular service is on its way out the door. Effective December 31st, AT&T shut down its 2G network, rendering all devices using its 2G SIM essentially useless. T-Mobile has committed to supporting its 2G network through 2020, but the landscape of cellular connectivity is changing rapidly. What does this mean for Siren Marine and its users?

In the short term, the good news is that the Siren Marine Pixie and Sprite both use T-Mobile's 2G network and can expect continued cellular connection for the foreseeable future. Customers should be aware that occasional service disruptions and blackouts may occur, and there may be coverage issues in certain areas. For some of our earlier customers that purchased their own SIM card, we recommend contacting Siren Marine customer service at (401) 619-4774 or at support@sirenmarine.com to discuss options available to you.

Siren Marine has been anticipating the impending 2G shutdown and has been hard at work developing our next-generation Connected-Boat products, which will be launched in April. The new MTC Series runs on existing 3G cellular networks, and will be upgraded to 4G once the hardware and technology is available. For the best coverage and uninterrupted service, Siren recommends that existing customers upgrade to our new 3G hardware as soon as it's available. To make the transition as smooth and painless as possible, we will be offering attractive incentives to upgrade (more details to follow shortly).

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