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6 Questions with Anthony Baro of PowerDocks, LLC.

Posted by Sam Handy on

At Siren Marine, we’re fortunate to partner with a variety of businesses that utilize our technology in extremely innovative ways. One of the most exciting applications that we’ve seen so far is by PowerDocks LLC with their Blue Isles™ line. We had a chance to sit down with Managing Partner Anthony Baro to learn more about the product and how Siren Marine has been incorporated into their design.


What is PowerDocks/Blue Isles™?

Blue Isles™ are autonomous, floating, sustainable power micro grid platforms. They are able to generate, store, and distribute electricity from a common platform completely independent and remote from the mainland. The platforms are specifically designed to support vessels with electric propulsion systems. Our latest product– Blue Isles™ Moorings– are “powered moorings” that allow any vessel moored to it to connect and power up completely independent from the mainland grid.


What are the main benefits of your product compared to more traditional systems?

There are countless advantages, but here are several that come to mind:

  • Sustainable, clean power generation, storage, and distribution
  • A resilient, reliable source of on-site electricity
  • Non-fuel based
  • No maintenance, lower cost of operation
  • No risk of environmental exposure to fuel
  • Pollutant free (including noise)
  • Non-combustible
  • On-site WIFI connectivity
  • Remote monitoring enabled


What are some exciting current and upcoming projects?

We introduced the Blue Isles™ product line last July in a Partnership with the City of Newport, Rode Island.  The Blue Isles™ Dock has been providing free electricity to Boaters visiting Newport Harbor since.  We’re also looking forward to showcasing our new Blue Isles™ Moorings next month in partnership with ImpactLabs and the New Bedford Harbor Commission, and launching our product line in the EU in November at METSTRADE17 in Amsterdam.

Other planned product launches include Sustainable Living and Leisure Floating Villas for Marinas, Blue Isles™ Floating Power Pods for Marinas, as well as other products tailored for Aquaculture Farming, Defense/Oceanographic Instrumentation, and Water Quality Remote Monitoring and Remediation.


How do you see your products fitting in to an ever more connected world?

With on-site WIFI, Blue Isles™ connects aquatic end customers to the ever-expanding Internet of Things. You can now be connected to the cloud from your boat, even on a mooring. Marina WIFI is notoriously unreliable, and Blue Isles™ solves this problem. Our platforms are also equipped for remote monitoring, so customers can keep an eye on their marine asset from anywhere.


That brings me right to the next question- how is Siren Marine’s technology utilized in your products? 

Siren provides us with remote monitoring and connectivity to our customer assets. This includes: 

  • GPS Location
  • Power Generation Levels
  • Energy Storage Levels
  • Energy Storage Temperature
  • Power Switch Activation Control 

As we move forward, we are seeking to integrate on-site remote video monitoring and surveillance capability as well as other environmental sensors of interest.


How do you see our partnership progressing in the future? 

It’s become increasingly clear that we’ll be able to grow and expand our product capabilities together. Blue Isles™ is a unique application for Siren Marine monitoring technology and the possibilities are endless. It is my hope that together we can create a marine docking and living environment that is completely connected, sustainable, and secure. Our aim is to expand commercial activity and enhance aquatic experiences by offering “Integrated Sustainable IoT Aquatic Infrastructures”.



Integrated Sustainable IoT Aquatic Infrastructures” is a service mark of PowerDocks LLC.

PowerDocks LLC herein grants Siren Marine approval to use its service mark for purposes of this Blog Article.

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